
A Guide for Finding a New Career

A Guide for Finding a New Career

Finding a new career can be tough, but it can be achieved at any point in your life if you have the dedication and know how to achieve your goals.

Knowing When It’s the Right Time

Deciding that you want a new career can be part of the battle for a lot of people. Admitting to yourself that you want more job satisfaction can be a bold move, but a positive one, nonetheless.

Signs that you may be ready for a new career include:

  • You’ve gained all you can out of your current position
  • You want to rise to the top, but your current job won’t allow for it
  • You want a career with a higher salary
  • Your current job isn’t providing satisfaction or happiness
  • Your current job is affecting your health
  • You are not motivated for your current job
  • You take no pleasure from your current career

If any of these ring true, or you’ve simply made the decision that you would like a career change even if you enjoy your current job, here are some important steps to take.

Get to Know Yourself

A lot of individuals are thrust into the job market during a time when they simply need to pay their bills or get a foot on the ladder. Many people end up in jobs completely opposite to what they originally planned for themselves. Making a career switch means the perfect opportunity to understand your own strengths and what you enjoy, and therefore consider those careers which allow for that.

Do Your Research

You may have an ideal career in mind, but you need to thoroughly understand what is required of it. It may mean further education, alternate work experience, or a basic position which will allow you to work up to where you want to be. Undertake research into the companies which would hire you for the job you’re looking for, and also consider locations which may offer more opportunities within a particular field.

Keeping track of statistics within the job market, such as job openings, can also help you to stay informed.

Stay Organized

Organization is a key skill which new employers will look favorably upon, but during the job application process itself, you need to keep track of things. Pursuing a new career may see you applying for a large number of different opportunities, so it’s a good idea to have a system in place (like a document or spreadsheet) to keep the details of each one. You don’t want to be thrown off by an email or phone call from a job you forgot you applied for, or which you don’t appear very clued up about when contact is made.

Start Networking

If you’re moving into a completely different industry, then you’re going to need a whole new set of contacts. Networking with people in the industry you wish to go into can be a boon for finding advice and opportunities.

Look for networking opportunities, both online and in person.

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