
5 Reasons to Invest in Gold

5 Reasons to Invest in Gold

Gold is respected for both its value and history as it is interwoven into cultures all over the world. Throughout history, people have mined and held gold for various reasons, placing value on it for economic reasons, and this is one of the main reasons why gold has value. Most people turn to gold when other currencies, assets and commodities no longer work for them. If you have never invested in gold, here are five reasons why you should.

It Can Hedge Against Inflation

As inflation rises, the value of currencies all over the world decreases. However, gold has been able to hold its value relative to almost all major currencies. Because of this, more people are starting to hold money in the form of gold. When a high inflation rate holds over a long time, gold becomes the best bet against the depreciating value of other currencies.

Portfolio Diversification

Gold has a negative correlation against other asset classes. There is evidence to show that when equities are under a lot of stress, gold prices usually rise. If you have gold in your portfolio, it will protect the portfolio against the volatilities that equities and other types of investments might experience when the market is under a lot of stress.

It is a Tangible Asset

Gold is one of the few commodities that are tangible. Because you can purchase and own physical gold, this makes it safer than other commodities and assets. Purchasing gold is also easy compared to purchasing other tangible assets like real estate. All you need to do is visit a reputable gold seller like and purchase the gold.

Because it is a tangible asset, gold cannot be stolen in a hack like digital assets. Even though it is viewed as a safe investment, physical gold does come with its own risks so you should know what these are before you purchase gold.

Protection During Times of Political Instability

Investors usually purchase a lot of gold during times of economic turmoil and in the same way purchase a lot more gold during times of geopolitical turmoil and world tensions. Because of this, gold is often seen as a crisis commodity due to its demand and consequently its price rising during times when people have little faith in their governments and economies.

Increasing Demand

As wealth increases in emerging markets, the demand for gold will continue to increase. Gold is also sometimes intertwined with local cultures where those who can afford it in India during the wedding seasons, and China as a way of saving money, buy it in large quantities. As this number increases, so will the demand for gold and its value. Buying gold now almost guarantees a huge gain once you start cashing in on the increasing demand for gold.


The demand and price of gold has been increasing over the past few years which are both reasons enough to invest in gold. Other reasons such as portfolio diversification and protection from inflation can help convince those who might be on the fence about investing in this asset.

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