
How to Create a Profitable Blog

Pros And Cons Of Electronic Publishing

If you are only starting out as a blogger, or even if you have been blogging for some time, you might be wondering how you can earn more money from your blog. There are some blogs which see thousands of dollars’ worth of income each month, and others that struggle to earn anything at all. So what is it that those profitable blogs do right, and how can you apply it to your own blog? This guide gives you some tips on how to get started to help you see success in your blogging venture.

Use Strategies to get more Visitors

If you write a post, publish it and do nothing, then you won’t get many visitors to your blog. While writing great content is one of the most important components of a successful blog, the work doesn’t end there. You need to promote your posts actively, and there are several ways of doing so:

  • Use keywords within your text that relate to the topic you are talking about. To find keywords to use, there is Google Keyword Planner that helps you to find keywords and phrases that are searched for most. The trick is to sprinkle these throughout the content naturally. The search engines pick up on these keywords, helping to categorize your pages, meaning they appear higher in the search engine results. The higher you appear on those important pages, the more people will reach and read your blog.
  • Use social media to expand the reach of each post after publishing, and use hashtags that are relevant, which will mean more people will find your posts. When you create a social media post, use exciting language and pictures to encourage readers to click on to your blog.
  • Guest posting is also a good way to reach a new audience. When you write a piece of content to be used on another website, always include a link back to yours. That way your blog will be exposed to a new audience who may become fans! If you are looking for guest blogging tips, then an internet search will show results to assist you with the etiquette of guest posting.


Once you have a steady stream of visitors, you can think about ways to monetize your blog. This means creating ways that your visitors can bring you an income, and there are several ways of doing it:

  • Advertising is one of the easiest ways you can begin to earn money from your blog. Use an advert network such as Google AdSense and earn money every time someone clicks on an advert displayed on your website. This method is known as ‘cost-per-click.’
  • Another way to earn from advertising is to use ‘cost-per-impression,’ where you get paid for every 1000 page views, for example, and not just relying on people clicking. If you have a large number of visitors, this form of monetization can be profitable. You might also consider selling advertising space privately, charging companies a set fee per year to advertise on your blog.
  • Affiliate programs are where you recommend products or services on behalf of another company, and earn a commission should one of your readers click on your link to that product and go on to buy it. The amount of commission will vary depending on what affiliate programs you sign up for. One of the most popular programs is Amazon affiliates, where you can earn commission on nearly all products they sell.
  • Creating digital products is also a great way to monetize your blog. If you are knowledgeable about something that can help solve a problem for your readers, then why not create an eBook, a series of emails, or a course that readers can buy? Once you have made an effort to create your digital product, it can earn you money for as long as it is relevant to your audience.
  • Selling membership to your blog can also be a profitable method of monetizing. This is when you offer your readers extra valuable content that they can access only by becoming a member. Membership usually has a monthly or yearly subscription fee. To keep your members happy, you must provide them with a value that they cannot find for free.
  • Email marketing is one of the most successful ways to earn money from your blog. To get an email list, first, you need a form that visitors can fill in to add their email address to your list. To encourage this, you might offer them an incentive such as a free guide or tips. Once you have a list of emails, you can begin to market directly to your audience. Email marketing works well because the people you are marketing to are already interested in your website, so they are more likely to buy from you.
  • Reviewing products can also be a good way to earn money from your blog, especially if you have a large following on social media. Some companies will pay you for writing a review, or other ways you might profit is by keeping the product. To get started with product reviews, you might recommend a brand’s product in one of your posts and contact them let them know that you have written something about it. You could mention how you enjoy their product and ask if they have anything upcoming that they would like reviews for. There are also websites that can put bloggers and brands in touch.

Blogging is a competitive industry, and it can take time to see any results. That is why a lot of bloggers get disheartened, especially when they see other bloggers out there posting about their income streams for that month. It might feel as if no matter how hard you try, you just don’t seem to be getting the success you’re striving for. However, blogging is not a get-rich-quick way of making money. Be willing to put in the effort, stay motivated and keep working on your blog. If you do that, you will begin to earn money from it, and it could be your blog that becomes the next big thing!

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