
9 Innovative Technologies to Keep Your Business Secure

CCTV Security

Your office will most likely be filled with many valuable assets that are essential to your company’s daily operations, such as your computers, servers, money, and data. A loss to some or all of the above could unfortunately be detrimental to your operations, finances and reputation.

Fortunately, the right technologies can protect your premises, equipment, and data security, which will ensure you never experience a delay in your operations. If you want to protect your business effectively, learn about the nine innovative technologies to keep your business secure.

  1. Install CCTV to Monitor External Activity

Nothing can be more frustrating for a business owner than arriving at work to find an office space has been burgled. To ensure you can bring the thief to justice, purchase high-quality CCTV equipment to capture the trespasser on screen. A CCTV camera can also serve as a deterrent, as a burglar will be less likely to break into your premises if he or she believes they are being caught on camera.

  1. Add Hidden Security Cameras to Catch Thieves in the Act

If you want to catch a trespasser in the act, add hidden security cameras into your office’s exterior or interior. For example, you can obtain a closer look at a burglar with a weatherproof rock that contains a hidden camera (view here) that can be placed outside your office. You could also film activity in your workplace by adding an indoor Wi-Fi camera, so you can watch a live stream of your office from anywhere in the world.

  1. Invest in Security Lighting to Deter Burglars

It was reported that nearly 9% of small businesses suffered a burglary in 2016, which cost a business owner an average of $8,000. This is a substantial amount of money for a small organization, which could cause serious financial repercussions for a company’s future.

Most thieves will often strike during the night when an office is empty, which is why you must invest in effective deterrents. Security lighting is one technology definitely worth your company’s investment, as it will be activated as soon as a trespasser passes the infrared. As a result, a burglar will more than likely flee the scene to avoid being spotted.

  1. Secure Your Network with Managed Security Solutions

If you don’t have the time or energy to focus on securing your network, you should turn to a company that does. In addition to protecting your premises with CCTV and hidden cameras, you also owe it to your stakeholders, clients, and employees to protect your online activity, too.

As security threats are posing a serious risk to businesses of all sizes and industries, it is an intelligent idea to invest in a managed security solution, which can prevent your business from falling victim to phishing scams, ransomware, spyware, and other malicious hacks.

  1. Prevent Theft with a Laptop Lock

The biggest asset to your business is your data, whether you realize it or not. Losing your customer and employee data can have serious legal and financial consequences for your company, and it’s for this reason why you must protect it at all costs.

A laptop lock is a must, as portable equipment will be targeted by burglars, so the gadget will make it difficult for a thief to steal your device. The metal cable will be attached to one hole in your laptop, which is either looped or connected to an immovable object. It’s a low cost, effective way to protect your high-value equipment.

  1. Protect Your Files with Data Encryption

Of course, if a burglar does manage to steal your laptop, or you want to deter cybercriminals, you should focus on data encryption. Encryption will prevent trespassers from gaining access to the data, as the file will be translated into a code (known as ciphertext) that can only be read by people with a secret key.

If you encrypt your sensitive data, you’ll reduce the security risk to your business. Also, with the technology becoming easier to deploy, there’s no excuse for not protecting your critical files.

  1. Install a Monitored Alarm System to Alert the Police

An alarm could be one of the best deterrents to incorporate into your office to increase security. The right system could send an emergency signal directly to a monitoring system, which will be sent via a smartphone, internet or landline connection. It will then dispatch police immediately to your premises.

You could even purchase a system that offers a two-way voice intercom, which will immediately connect a business owner to the monitoring station when an alarm is set off.

  1. Backup Your Data with a Reputable Cloud Service Provider

Small businesses often do not have the time to focus on security issues, which can lead to data loss. That’s why you should consider turning to a reputable cloud service provider (CSP), who does have plenty of time to focus on online security. They will have a proactive approach to security and software patches, as they’ll want to provide their customers with a safe, professional service.

This will provide you with a secure space to store your important files online, which you can access anywhere with an internet connection. So, use the innovative technology to backup your documents to help your business to quickly recover from a data breach. While the cloud isn’t 100% secure, it is better to have a backup than no disaster recovery option at all.

  1. Embrace Two-Factor Authentication

Weak passwords are like an open door to cybercriminals, which is why you must make sure it is firmly shut to maintain your privacy. The vulnerability will otherwise allow hackers to easily gain access to your network, accounts, and data, which could lead to harmful viruses or ransomware infecting your computer.

Protect your business every day by deploying two-factor authentication wherever possible, which should feature two strong passwords that will make it almost impossible for a hacker to guess. Always generate passwords using a combination of letters, numbers, and characters.

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