
Deceit & Disciplinary: Dealing With A Devious Employee

Dealing With A Devious Employee

We want our business to run with the minimum of fuss and interference. If we have any business issues, or employee issues, we would like to think that we can clear the air as quick as possible and get back to our main priority of running our company. Yet, in the time of cybercrime being the most common form of crime, we need to monitor our staff much closer than we ever used to. Any of your employees are capable of fraud, it’s fair to say, and it’s very hurtful if it’s a member of staff that you trust. What are the signs to look out for?


A “Keen” Employee

You may notice an employee being a bit more “dedicated” to the business than normal. They will be the first one in the office and the last one to leave. Spend some time observing the person’s actions, and if you see that they haven’t taken a vacation for some time then politely suggest that they take one. If they are completely reticent to take a vacation, then you may be onto something! You can insist on your employees working within normal trading hours instead of late nights and weekends.


A working environment where everyone relies on each other to get reports finished is a constant in contemporary business. If you have one employee who is never really involved in the thick of it, and they would rather be left alone and appear withdrawn could raise alarms. Self-sufficiency is one thing, but if these self-sufficient people have access to important files or documents, such as the finances of the company, you need to take action.

Trust Your Instincts…

You run the company, and you know it better than anyone else, so if something doesn’t feel right, the chances are that you are correct. The important thing if you do suspect any wrongdoings is to probe further into it. When it comes to dealing with the suspected employee, you need to make sure that every process is watertight. You are accusing an employee of deception which can result in disciplinary action, so you need to make sure you are correct in your assumptions. This involves amassing evidence. It could take a long time, and if you were trying to implement a Sub Rosa investigation, the investigating parties would need enough evidence before they start surveillance procedures. As with any procedure that has massive ramifications for you, the employee, or the company, you need to make sure that there is enough weight to back up your claim.

Dealing With The Guilty Party

If this is the first time you’re dealing with a member of staff in this way, the first thing to make sure of is that you are doing everything by the book. Make sure that you know the HR codes of conduct just to make sure you aren’t placing a foot wrong. And when speaking to the guilty party, you need to remain calm and in control of the situation. Emotions may fly, so you have to keep a reign on the situation.

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